International Congress In Glasgow To Reflect Key Themes
Nearly 3,000 delegates representing 80 countries have already registered for the Ninth International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, to be held at the Scottish Exhibition & Convention Centre (SECC), Glasgow, UK, from 9-13 November 2008.
Established in 1992, and held every two years since, the Congress has grown in scope and structure to become acknowledged as one of the major scientific events in the regular cycle of international meetings focused on HIV/AIDS research and treatment. The Programme is designed to provide an objective and accessible scientific forum reflecting new approaches and latest developments in HIV therapy, and also highlighting continuing challenges in global clinical management.
The Official Opening with Keynote Lectures on Sunday evening, 9 November, featuring the following internationally recognized specialists working in Africa, Europe and the USA:
Dr Clifford Lane (Clinical Director, National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, Maryland, USA): Pathogenesis of HIV infection: implications for treatment and prevention
Professor Christine Katlama (Head, AIDS Clinical Research Unit, Dept. Of Infectious Diseases, Hopital Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris, France): How will we use the new antiretroviral therapy drugs?
Professor Alan Whiteside (Director, Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Unit, University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban, South Africa): The implications beyond public health if we don't manage the HIV epidemic
Multifaceted Programme
Advances in HIV medicine and therapeutic developments mean that HIV patients are now living much longer, resulting in co-morbidities associated with ageing. In this context, the emergence of drug resistance must also come into consideration. There has also been enormous progress in the delivery of treatment in resource-poor settings, but major challenges remain.
Such aspects will form just some of the major topics within the multifaceted 5-day Scientific Programme, featuring plenary lectures from world-renowned experts, the latest research updates, interactive clinical case studies - discussing the assessment of sick HIV-positive returning travellers, and the clinical management of complex HIV/AIDS cases - and integrated company symposia. Headline sessions will cover the main treatment-related issues, including drug selection and treatment optimization, treatment guidelines, resistance and adherence, related infections, co-morbidities and adverse events. Pediatric management, and community-related treatment issues will also be given specific focus.
A notable programme highlight will be the Special Guest Lecture presented by Dr Harold Jaffe (Head, Dept. of Public Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK) on Tuesday, 11 November. Dr Jaffe will describe the early history of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, his experiences at CDC, Atlanta (where he worked for 27 years), and co-ordinate these with excerpts from the film "And the Band Played On".
Significantly expanding the overall programme coverage will be the more than 300 peer-reviewed scientific posters available for study in the SECC Exhibition Hall. Posters of particular merit will receive a "Thistle" award, and these will be reviewed by their authors in formal discussions to be held over lunch on each day of the Congress.
Progress and Challenges
Outlining his hopes for the Congress, Professor Ian Weller (Chairperson, Organizing & Scientific Committees; University College London Medical School, UK) commented: "As ever, it is our aim that the Congress reflects the real progress and principal challenges in the drug treatment of HIV infection. We hope that delegates can take away much greater understanding of the major issues which will assist them in their own practices and areas of activity, and that current research collaborations are strengthened and others formed."
For further information on all aspects of the Congress, please contact:
Mrs Mandy Shore
Ninth International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection
KnowledgePoint 360 Group
Victoria Mill
Windmill Street
SK11 7HQ
(Tel 01625 664390)
(Email: hiv9@kp360group.com)
*Press interviews with Committee Members and Invited Speakers may be arranged by contacting the Organizing Secretariat but cannot be guaranteed.
Ninth International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection
09-13 November 2008
Glasgow, UK